Kharma has a way of dealing with such guttersnipes, at least it did before tech was gutted of its leading talent and business CEOs took over, back when 'dark mode', 'flat icons', and new smileys would have been considered minor version feature additions rather than major version headliners. Blocking the ability to download warehouse files in 2018 format just seems a twisted and bitter move, worse than just simple greed it was spite that motivated them.
It's not as if Trimble spent time or money adding any features to the free desktop version through 2018, nothing but an insignificant cost would have prevented them from continuing a free desktop version sans any added features. Yes, the crappy, crippled, and riddled online version technically meets that criteria, barely, but it most certainly breaks the intent and spirit of the deal they agreed to. Yeah, but part of the sales agreement stipulated that Trimble had to maintain a working, free version of Sketchup.